Going to Saltville through Tin Bridge Hollow under railroad trestle

Tin Bridge Hollow under railroad trestle

Just outside Saltville, VA. 2021

Water pump Saltville, VA. 2021

Old Company houses. People worked for the company, lived in company houses, shopped in company stores, had health care with the company doctor, and got credit for all purchases and bills from the company. There was a song written that you owe your soul to the company store.  Tennessee Ernie Ford - Sixteen Tons

General Jeb Stuart's House

Madam Russell United Methodist Church Saltville, VA. 2021

A covered train display, featuring two Olin Mathieson locomotives and a former N&W caboose, anchors the trail in downtown Saltville.  Established in 2008, the Salt Trail is a rails-to-trails program connecting the towns of Saltville and Glade Spring.

A covered train display, featuring two Olin Mathieson locomotives and a former N&W caboose, anchors the trail in downtown Saltville.

Saltville Quarry.
A good place to look for missing bodies.

Saltville Quarry.

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